Psychology of Negotiations
We need negotiations to achieve agreements with our employers and employees, customers and contractual partners. We also use negotiations techniques in resolving everyday disagreements. Negotiations have a different meaning for everyone. Negotiations are examined as a process, as a psycho-social phenomenon, a competitive situation, problem resolution and techniques to resolve conflicts. The best thing is when both sides are winners and both sides are happy. There are some situations when are two winners but commonly there are one winner and one loser. Of course can be two losers too.
The process of negotiations is very hard thing and if people want that the negotiations would be successful people have to prepare thoroughly and to know the partner very well. Person who negotiate the negotiation shoul be good psychologist, orator, actor and good expert of his work area. Also shoul be competent and take a suitable decidion. Moreover, people have to plan the negotiations if they want that negotiation would be successful.
2007 m. spalio 17 d., trečiadienis
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