2007 m. lapkričio 21 d., trečiadienis


Now I would like to talk about phobias, about famous people who have some phobias, also about causes and treatments.

David Beckham: Ataxophobia Talk about perfectionism: In David Beckham's closet, each shirt is filed according to its color. Each can of soda is lined up in his refrigerator like soldiers at attention. Beckham is sometimes described as an ataxophobic or a person who fears disorder. "Everything has to match in the house," his wife, Victoria, formerly known as Posh Spice, told People magazine two years ago. "If there are three cans of diet Coke he'd throw one away rather than having three because it's uneven."

Woody Allen: Anhedonia Woody Allen turned his neurosis into a career. "I've been killing spiders since I was 30,'' he boasts to Diane Keaton in Annie Hall. In addition to various insects, Allen also claims to have morbid fears of sunshine, dogs, children, heights, small rooms, crowds, cancer and various illnesses, and any place on earth outside Manhattan.

The main causes:

Arise from a combination of external events and internal predispositions.
Traumatic experience at early age.
Heredity, genetics and brain chemistry combine with life-experiences play a big role.


Some therapists use virtual reality to desensitize patiens to the feared entity. These are parts of systematic desentization therapy.
Congitive behavioral therapy can be benficial. It lets the patient understand the cycle of negative thought patterns and ways to change these thought patterns. Congitive behavioral therapy may be conducted in a group setting.
Anti-anxiety or anti-depression medications can be of assistance in many cases.

In deslusitization three steps are involved:
Training the petient to physically relax.
Establish an anxiety hierarchy of the stimuli involved.
Providing fears stimulus by anxiety hierarchy step after step.

There are about 500 phobias but I would talk about some of them.

Anglophobia - fear of pain. This phobia can be eliminated by a right methods. It can cause panic attacks and keep people apart from loved onesand business associates. Symptoms typically include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, overall feelings of dread. Though a variety of potent drugs are often prescribed for anglophobia.

Bacillophobia - fear of bacteries. A phobia is an unreasonable sort of fear thet can cause avoidance and panic. Phobias are relatively common type of anxiety disorders. This phobia can be treated by Congitive behavioral therapy using exposure and fear reductions techniques and medications during the early stages of therapy.

To sum up, there are a lot of phobias but we have to fight with them and win them.

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